Search Goes Beyond "Available" Talent
I’m often asked by clients “Why should I engage a search firm when there's so much available talent on the street?”
Aside from the more apparent reasons, like objective candidate assessment, compensation surveys, competitive market feedback and negotiation assistance, an executive search firm can tap into truly “hidden” talent pools.
A recent client, certain they knew the all the relevant players in their market, was reluctant to use search until we convinced them of our ability to reach new candidates outside of their network. As a result of this strategy, the client hired a dynamic and highly experienced executive from a related industry who had never been identified by their own networking group. Their response? “Cambridge did an excellent job using their network to uncover candidates we would simply not have found ourselves.”
Those familiar with executive search know the best candidates are rarely inclined to respond to advertising or postings because they are already employed and successful in their roles. I can tell you that the shortlist on most search assignments is comprised mainly of candidates who never contemplated a move, but were persuaded to consider a new opportunity by an effective recruiting approach.
Graham Carver, President
Cambridge Management Blog
by Graham Carver, President