Executive Coaching Services

Businesses in all industries recognize the critical need to retain and develop their high potential talent. For many, executive coaching has delivered mixed results due to lack of control over the direction, measurement or quality of coaching. Cambridge executive coaching programs focus on specific goals, provide real-time reporting and feedback, and ensure a structured process to achieve results and measure the return on your investment.


Cambridge works with senior executive coaches in the GTA and across the country, each with specific expertise in a particular developmental area, along with a strong business background. We employ a range of assessment tools to identify the appropriate areas for development, and then work with the corporation and the individual to agree upon a plan that connects personal and corporate goals and expected results.

Cambridge offers a network of locations and a range of highly experienced senior executive coaches in the GTA, and across Canada.

We can provide coaching to your executives in most urban centres, including Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Mississauga, Kitchener, London, Ottawa and Halifax.

Cambridge Management Planning Inc. in Toronto has been providing client-focused executive search services across Canada and internationally since 1976. We take the time to understand each client's strategic direction to provide informed, objective assistance that fits the character and goals of the organization.

Cambridge is a member of IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide, one of the top ten executive search organizations in the world. By ''thinking globally and acting locally'', we have access to the best talent available - anywhere.

Working in partnership with our clients, we add value, achieve performance improvement objectives and improve profitability.

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