Executive Coaching Resources

How to Be Both Lean and Profitable
In difficult times, it’s even more critical to provide leaders with the support they need to perform at their best. As a result, more businesses are using executive coaches to support leaders who are committed to achieving highly profitable operations.
What It Takes To Be Great
The best people in any field are those who devote the most hours to what the researchers call "deliberate practice." It's activity that's explicitly intended to improve performance, that reaches for objectives just beyond one's level of competence, provides feedback on results and involves high levels of repetition.
Seven Critical Leadership Questions for 2009
Coaching or Mentoring? What You Need to Know
The value of solid, well-rounded leadership to the success of an organization is clear, and most businesses recognize that not everyone is born with innate leadership skills. As a result, many are turning to coaching and/or mentoring as tools to develop their high quality talent, and finding out there are a number of differences between the two.
Executive OnBoarding: Secure Your Search Investment
Last year, Canadian companies spent over $3 billion on executive search services to locate and recruit the best talent available, but research conducted by the Corporate Leadership Council (CLC) indicates that up to 60% of the executives hired had significant difficulty adjusting to their new roles. Why? Because most organizations do little or nothing to support their newly hired executive’s integration.
The National Post - April, 2005
Executive OnBoarding: Loneliness Isn't Reserved for CEO
The Globe and Mail - April, 2005
Executive OnBoarding: Trouble Keeping Managers Past 3 Months?
The Globe and Mail - April, 2005
More CEOs, COOs and CFOs are Seeking Leadership Consultants

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