Money May Tempt...
There's good news for smaller organizations that can’t compete head-to-head with the big guys on compensation: Money is a great motivator, but it’s not a guarantee of loyalty. Too many organizations focus on the basic compensation for a role, and not enough on building an attractive package that will retain their candidate for the long-term. Big bucks might help to attract talent, but money alone won’t keep them. Once the "moneymoon" is over, the individual starts to look at the big picture and determines whether to stay based on a range of factors. Those factors include how the role affects their personal life, whether it offers a progressive career path, if it is rewarding, meaningful or exciting... and a host of values differing with each individual. As a leader, it's your job to know what your high potential talent values, and create meaningful compensation and incentive packages that will motivate them over the long-term.  Graham Carver, President
Cambridge Management Blog
by Graham Carver, President
