Failure Can Be Good
There is no better teacher than failure. Unfortunately, great candidates are often passed over because of a perceived 'black spot' on their record, and that’s too bad, because those individuals may be less likely to make such mistakes in the future, as a result of that experience. Most successful people have some sort of failure in their background, and most would agree that those failures were key to their learning and future successes. Edison said it best, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." So the key is to determine whether the individual has learned from that failure, or are they bound to repeat it over and over again. That’s where good interviewing skills can be most useful. Those who learn from their mistakes are accountable for them, so question the individual about the experience and decide whether he or she is now the better for it, or still in denial. The point of bringing in external talent is to take advantage of their knowledge and experience - and avoid those mistakes in your own organization. Graham Carver, President
Cambridge Management Blog
by Graham Carver, President